Browsing by Subject Mechanical properties

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Showing results 1 to 11 of 11
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2013Butyl rubber–Ba0.7Sr0.3TiO3 composites for flexible microwave electronic applicationsChameswary, J; Sebastian, M T
2010Characterization of surface-treated coir fiber obtained from environmental friendly bioextractionManilal, V B; Ajayan, M S; Sreelekshmi, S V
2010Dielectric, thermal, and mechanical properties of CeO2-filled HDPE composites for microwave substrate applicationsAnjana, P S; Deepu, V; Uma, S; Mohanan, P; Philip, J; Sebastian, M T
2009-11-15Influence of Boron Addition on the Grain Refinement and Mechanical Properties of AZ91 Mg AlloySuresh, M; Srinivasan, A; Ravi, K R; Pillai, U T S; Pai, B C
2005Low-pressure casting of LM25 (Al-7Si-0.3 Mg) aluminium alloySrinivasan, A; Pillai, U T S; John, V; Pai, B C
2013Mechanical properties of Gd-CeO2 electrolyte for SOFC prepared by aqueous tape castingAkbari-Fakhrabadi, A; Mangalaraja, R V; Jamshidijam, M; Ananthakumar, S; Chan, S H
2013Mechanism for grain refinement and mechanical properties of AZ91 Mg alloy by carbon inoculationSuresh, M; Srinivasan, A; Pillai, U T S; Pai, B C
2005Microstructure and mechanical properties of Si and Sb added AZ91 magnesium alloySrinivasan, A; Pillai, U T S; Pai, B C
2012-05-15Microwave dielectric properties of Flexible butyl rubber–strontium cerium titanate compositesChameswary, J; Thomas, D; Subodh, G; Soumya, H; Philip, J; Sebastian, M T
2013Microwave dielectric properties of flexible silicone rubber – Ba(Zn1/3Ta2/3)O3 composite substratesNamitha, L K; Sebastian, M T
2006Studies on fly-ash-filled natural rubber modified with cardanol derivatives: Processability, mechanical properties, fracture morphology, and thermal decomposition characteristicsMenon, A R R; Sonia, T A; Sudha, J D