Browsing by Subject Photocatalyst

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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2005An aqueous sol–gel route to synthesize nanosized lanthanadoped titania having an increased anatase phase stability for photocatalytic applicationBaiju, K V; Sibu, C P; Rajesh Komban; Krishna Pillai, P; Mukundan, P; Warrier, K G K; Wunderlich, W
2013-08-07Effect of precursor particle size distribution on the morphology and low wetting behavior of photocatalytic nanocoatings on glass surfacesVenu Sreekala, Smitha; Petit, Francois; Hareesh, Unnikrishnan Nair Saraswathy; Warrier, Krishna Gopakumar
2007Effect of tantalum addition on anatase phase stability and photoactivity of aqueous sol-gel derived mesoporous titaniaBaiju, K V; Shajesh, P; Wunderlich, W; Mukundan, P; Kumar, S R; Warrier, K G K
2007Enhanced photoactivity and anatase thermal stability of silica-alumina mixed oxide additives on sot-gel nanocrystalline titaniaBaiju, K V; Periyat, P; Krishna Pillai, P; Mukundan, P; Warrier, K G K; Wunderlich, W
2007Enhanced photoactivity of neodymium doped mesoporous titania synthesized through aqueous sol-gel methodBaiju, K V; Periyat, P; Wunderlich, W; Krishna Pillai, P; Mukundan, P; Warrier, K G K
2010Magnetic dye-adsorbent catalyst::Processing, characterization, and applicationLajina, T; Anas, S; Shukla, S; Reshmi, C P; Manoj Raama Varma; Suresh, K G; Patil, K; Warrier, K G K
2010Sol-gel route to synthesize titania-silica nano precursors for photoactive particulates and coatingsSmitha, V S; Manjumol, K A; Baiju, K V; Ghosh, S K; Perumal, P; Warrier, K G K
2011Y-Doped Bi2MoO6 yellow pigments for the coloration of plasticsKumari, L S; Gayathri, T H; Sameera, S F; Prabhakar Rao, P