Browsing by Author The Hindu

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Showing results 9 to 28 of 205 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021-01-04Banana grit for that good gut feelingThe Hindu
2017-07-20Banana Plant Provides Fillip for Nanoscience ResearchThe Hindu
2016-07-03Benefit Twice from NIIST Waste Treatment PlanThe Hindu
2011-10-10Better technology to blow away the Fly-Ash menaceThe Hindu
2017-11-11Blame It All On Faulty Biological Clock: ExpertThe Hindu
2021-10-09Bricks from Waste Sand to build HomesThe Hindu; The Mathrubhumi
2017-01-07Call for Industry - R & D TiesThe Hindu
2023-09-13Call for innovation in Coconut IndustryThe Hindu; The Mathrubhumi; The Metro Vaartha; The Mangalam; The New age; The Janmabhumi; The Kalakaumudi
2007-11-27Call to intensify research on drug developmentThe Hindu
2012-05-10Call to promote collaborative research and innovationThe Hindu
2011-06-13Campaign to highlight importance of chemistryThe Hindu
2024-10-16Capital hosts curtain-raiser for global science festivalThe Hindu; The New Indian Express
2009-11-05Ceramic technology meet plannedThe Hindu
2009-04-30‘Clean’ technology for coir fibre extractionThe Hindu
2008-03-26‘Clean’ technology to produce white pepperThe Hindu
2008-01-17CMRL enters into technology transfer pact with NIISTThe Hindu
2016-08-26A Coir Product is Sitting PrettyThe Hindu
2019-12-09Conference on advanced functional materials at NIISTThe Hindu
2022-07-25Conference on Soft Materials at NIISTThe Hindu; The Mathrubhumi
2009-10-09Corporation announces slew of development projectsThe Hindu