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Title: Directed Self-Organization Ensured Enhancement of Charge Carrier Mobilities in a Star-Shaped Organic Semiconductor
Authors: Birudula, S
Prabhu, D D
Ghosh, T
Das, S
Adara, B
Vijayaraghavan, R K
Keywords: Charge Carrier Mobilities
Issue Date: Sep-2020
Publisher: Wiley
Citation: Chemistry – A European Journal;26(49):11135-11140
Abstract: Controlled self-organization of organic semicon-ductormolecules into specifically desiredarchitecturesonsubstratesof interestis one of the mostimperativechal-lengesfacedin the fabricationof high-performanceorgan-ic electronicdevices.Herein,we reportthe self-organiza-tion of astar-shapedmoleculeFDT-8into ahighlyfavoredstructure, namely,averticalstack.Thermal annealing offilmsofFDT-8depositedon PEDOT:PSS coatedITO sub-strateswas observedto assistthe organizationof the mol-eculesinto columnarstacks.Asignificant enhancement inthe hole( 50-fold) andthe electron( 13-fold) carriermobility was observedin single-carrierdevicesuponther-mal annealingthatcouldbe attributed to the aforemen-tionedself-organization. The abilityof thesemolecules tospontaneously self-organizewas utilized to fabricatebilay-er light-emittingdevices.
Appears in Collections:2020

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