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Results 1051-1060 of 4131 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).
Item hits:
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2008Hydrogen-bonding-induced conformational change from J to H aggregate in novel highly fluorescent liquid-crystalline perylenebisimidesJancy, B; Asha, S K
2008Effect of Dy substitution at the sr site on the critical current density and flux-pinning properties of (Bi, Pb)-2212 superconductorVinu, S; Sarun, P M; Shabna, R; Biju, A; Guruswamy, P; Syamaprasad, U
2008Statistical optimization of alpha-galactosidase production in submerged fermentation by Streptomyces griseoloalbus using response surface methodologyAnisha, G S; Rajeev K Sukumaran; Prema, P
2008Strategies for enhancing laccase yield from Streptomyces psammoticus and its role in mediator-based decolorization of azo dyesNiladevi, K N; Sheejadevi, P S; Prema, P
2006Continuous biotransformation of pyrogallol to purpurogallin using cross-linked enzyme crystals of laccase as catalyst in a packed-bed reactorJegan Roy, J; Emilia Abraham, T
2006Studies on blends of natural rubber and ethylene propylene diene rubber modified with phosphorylated cardanol prepolymer: Processability, physico-mechanical properties, and morphologyMenon, A R R; Sonia, T A; Sudha, J D
2005Biopigments from monascus:Strains selection, citrinin production and color stabilityCarvalho, J C; Oishi, B O; Pandey, A; Soccol, C R
2008Optimization of enzymatic clarification of sapodilla juice: A statistical perspectiveNicemol Jacob; Rajeev K Sukumaran; Prema, P
2008Organomodified kaolin as a reinforcing filler for natural rubberRugmini Sukumar; Menon, A R R
2008Carbon-Nitrogen bond-forming reactions of diakyl azodicarboxylate: A promsing synthetic strategyVijay Nair, G; Biju, A T; Smitha C. Mathew; Babu, B P