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Results 1431-1440 of 4131 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014Room temperature curable silica inkJobin Varghese; Surendran, K P; Sebastian, M T
2005Reaction of aromatic amines with Cu(ClO4)2 in acetonitrile as a facile route to amine radical cation generationSumalekshmy, S; Gopidas, K R
2006Para-substituted 1-phenyl-3-emethyl-4-aroyl-5-pyrazolones as selective extractants for vanadium(V) from acidic chloride solutionsRemya, P N; Ambili Raj, D B; Reddy, M L P
2006Singlet and triplet excited-state interactions and photochemical reactivity of phenyleneethynylene oligomersSudeep, P K; James, P V; George Thomas, K; Kamat, P V
2006Effect of aging time and concentration of aging solution on the porosity characteristics of subcritically dried silica aerogelsSmitha, S; Shajesh, P; Aravind, P R; Rajesh Kumar, S; Krishna Pillai, P; Warrier, K G K
2014Sensitive naked eye detection of hydrogen sulfide and nitric oxide by Aza-BODIPY dyes in aqueous mediumAdarsh, N; Megha, S K; Ramaiah, D
2014Apigenin and quercetin ameliorate mitochondrial alterations by tunicamycin-induced ER stress in 3T3-L1 adipocytesNisha, V M; Anusree, S S; Priyanka, A; Raghu, K G
2014A novel SrPbCeTiO ferroelectric thin film grown by pulsed laser ablationKrishnaprasad, P S; Mohanan, P; Subodh, G; Sebastian, M T; Jayaraj, M K
2006Novel synthesis of highly functionalized pyrazolines and pyrazoles by triphenylphosphine-mediated reaction of dialkyl azodicarboxylate with allenic estersVijay Nair, G; Biju, A T; Kishor Mohanan; Suresh, E
2006Enhanced high temperature properties of low pressure cast AZ91 Mg alloySrinivasan, A; Pillai, U T S; Swaminathan, J; Pai, B C