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Results 1691-1700 of 4131 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014-12Investigation on key molecular targets responsible for antidiabetic properties of Symplocos Cochin Chinensis (Lour.) S.MoorAntu K Antony
2015Amending the anisotropy barrier and luminescence behavior of Heterometallic Trinuclear Linear [M-II-Ln(III)-M-II] (Ln(III)=Gd, Tb, Dy; M-II=Mg/Zn) complexes by change from divalent paramagnetic to diamagnetic metal ionsDas, S; Bejoymohandas, K S; Dey, A; Biswas, S; Reddy, M L P; Morales, R; Ruiz, E; Titos-Padilla, S; Colacio, E; Chandrasekhar, V
2015Studies on alpha-glucosidase, aldose reductase and glycation inhibitory properties of sesquiterpenes and flavonoids of Zingiber zerumbet SmithAjish, K R; Antu, K A; Riya, M P; Preetharani, M R; Raghu, K G; Dhanya, B P; Radhakrishnan, K V
2015Folate fortification of skim milk by a probiotic Lactococcus lactis CM28 and evaluation of its stability in fermented milk on cold storageDivya, J B; Nampoothiri, K M
2015Shape-selective oriented Cerium oxide nanocrystals permit assessment of the effect of the exposed facets on catalytic activity and oxygen storage capacitySreeremya, T S; Asha Krishnan; Remani, K C; Patil, K R; Brougham, D F; Ghosh, S K
2015A slippery molecular assembly allows water as a self-erasable security markerThirumalai, R; Mukhopadhyay, R D; Praveen, V K; Ajayaghosh, A
2015The effect of yttrium addition on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg alloysSingh, L K; Srinivasan, A; Pillai, U T S; Joseph, M A; Pai, B C
2015Dye removal using electrochemistry and semiconductor oxide nanotubesShukla, S; Oturan, M A
2015Living supramolecular polymerizationMukhopadhyay, R D; Ajayaghosh, A