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Results 1761-1770 of 4131 (Search time: 0.015 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014-07Trace metal in beach sediments of Velanganni Coast, South India: Application of autoclave leach methodKrishnakumar, P; Lakshumanan, C; Jonathan, M P; Sundararajan, M; Navarrete-Lopez, M
2014Zunongwangia mangrovi sp. nov., isolated from mangrove (Avicennia marina) rhizosphere, and emended description of the genus ZunongwangiaRameshkumar, N; Ramya Krishnan; Lang, E; MatsuMura, Y; Sawabe, Toko; Sawabe, Tomoo
2016A study on the magnetic properties of Gd–Sr based low bandwidth manganites in their bulk and thin film forms and evidence for magnetization reversal in bulk Gd0.7Sr0.3MnO3Lija, K J; Senoy Thomas; Anantharaman, M R
2014Antifungal properties of nanosized ZnS particles synthesised by sonochemical precipitationSuyana, P; Kumar, S N; Kumar, B S D; Nair, B N; Pillai, S C; Suresh, C; Warreir, K G K; Hareesh, U S
2015Textural characteristics of surface and core sediments of Ilmenite-enriched coasts of Southwest, IndiaNallusamy, B; Sinirani, B; Suresh Babu, D S
2014Remote-sensing perspective and GPR subsurface perception on the growth of a recently emerged spit at Talashil coast, west coast of IndiaLoveson, V J; Richa, K; Sundararajan, M; Gujar, A R
2014Influence of six nitrogen sources with fructose on antimicrobial metabolite production by bacterium associated with entomopathogenic nematodeSreerag, R S; Jubi Jacob; Nisha, G V; Asha, A; SasiDharan, N K
2014-11Polyaryletherketone polymer nanocomposite engineered with nanolaminated Ti3SiC2 ceramic fillersMahesh, K V; Balanand, S; Raimond, R; Peep Mohamed, A; Ananthakumar, S
2014-11A comparative study on the in-vitro antimicrobial activity of the roots of four thottea speciesAnilkumar, E S; Dan, M; Nishanth Kumar, S; Dileep Kumar, B S; Latha, P G
2014-05A comparative study of antimicrobial properties of cyclo(l-Pro- l-Asp) with its 2-ketopiperazine analogChalla, C; Kumar, N; Manju John; Ravi S lankalaPalli