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Results 2151-2160 of 4131 (Search time: 0.014 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2006-12-01Nature of α,β-CCC Agostic Bonding in MetallacyclobutanesSuresh, C H
2012-09-11Developments in Solidification Processing of Functionally Graded Aluminium Alloys and Composites by Centrifugal Casting TechniqueRajan, T P D; Jayakumar, E; Pai, B C
2014-05-05Structural, magnetic and dielectric properties of rare earth based double perovskites RE2NiMnO6(RE¼La, pr, Sm, Tb)Neenu Lekshmi, P; Vasundhara, M; Manoj Raama Varma; Suresh, K G; Valant, M
2012-09-13Changes in Solidification Morphology of Mg–Si Alloys by Ca AdditionsAjith Kumar, k k; Abhilash Viswanath; Pillai, U T S; Pai, B C; Chakraborty, M
2014-08-01Characterization of three depside compounds from a Western Ghat lichenParmelia erumpens Kurok with special reference to antimicrobial and anticancer activityAravind, S R; Sreelekha, T T; Dileep Kumar, B S; Nishanth Kumar, S; Mohandas, C
2014-02-28Synthesisof Novel NontoxicYellow Pigments: Sr2Ce1¹xTbxO4Athira K. V. Raj; Prabhakar Rao, P; Sameera, S; Vineetha James; Divya, S
2012-05-11New Orange-red Emitting Phosphor La3NbO7:Eu 3+ Under Blue ExcitationFrancis, L T; Prabhakar Rao, P; Mariyam Thomas; Mahesh, S K; Reshmi, V R; Thampi, V D S
2014-09Essential Oil Composition of Eight Starchy Curcuma SpeciesAngel, G R; Nirmala Menon; Vimala, B; Bala Nambisan
2014Intense Red Line Emitting Phosphor LuNbO4:Eu3þ for Whitelight Emitting Diode ApplicationsMahesh, S K; Prabhakar Rao, P; Linda Francis, T; Reshmi, V R; Peter Koshy
2014-07-01Effective discrimination of GTP from ATP by a cationic tentacle porphyrin through“turn-on” fluorescence intensityKarunakaran, S C; Paul, A K; Ramaiah, Danaboyina