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Results 2751-2760 of 4131 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019-04-18A Three-component Supramolecular Nanocomposite as a Heavy-atom-free PhotosensitizerP P P, Kumar; P, Yadav; A, Shanavas; S, Thurakkal; J, Joseph; P P, Neelakandan
2019-05-20Visible Range Optical Absorption, Urbach Energy Estimation and Paramagnetic Response in Cr-doped Tio2 Nanocrystals Derived by a Sol-gel MethodV R, Akshay; B, Arun; G, Mandal; M, Vasundhara
2018-08-23Functionalizable 1H‐Indazoles by Palladium Catalyzed Aza‐Nenitzescu Reaction: Pharmacophores to Donor‐Acceptor Type Multi‐Luminescent FluorophoresJanardhanan, J C; Mishra, R K; Das, G; Sini, S; Jayamurthy, P; Suresh, C H; Praveen, V K; Narayanapillai, M; Babu, B P
2019-09-09Nanosheets and 2d-nanonetworks by Mutually Assisted Self-assembly of Fullerene Clusters and DNA Three-way JunctionsVittala, S K; Saraswathi, S K; Ramesan, A B; Joseph, J
2018-04Horizontal transfer of miR-23a from hypoxic tumor cell colonies can induce angiogenesisSruthi, T V; Lincy, E; Raji, G R; Haritha, K; Sharath Shankar, S; Vandana, S; Vishnu, R; Aswini, P; Sameer Kumar, V B
2019-08-20Hydrogen Elimination Reactivity of Ruthenium Pincer Hydride Complexes: a DFT StudyRemya, G S; Suresh, C H
2018-08E ects of Mn site substitution on magnetic ordering ff and critical behavior in Nd0.67Sr0.33MnO3 manganiteArun, B; Suneesh, M V; Sudakshina, B; Akshay, V R; Chandrasekhar, K D; Vasundhara, M
2018-07Discovery of Natural Product Derived Labdane Appended Triazoles as Potent Pancreatic Lipase InhibitorsRenjitha, J; Shyni, G L; Praveen, V K; Salfeena, C T F; Ashitha, K T; Krishna Rao, VRD; Mangalam S, Nair; Raghu, K G; Sasidhar, B S
2018-06In silico prediction of ErbB signal activation from receptor expression profiles through a data analytics pipelineArya, A D; Elizabeth, Jacob
2018-08Role of Centrifugal Casting on Electrochemical Corrosion Behavior of A356-SiCp Composite in 3.5 wt.% NaClMaimunnisa, S; Gore, P; Rajan, T P D; Raja, V S