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Results 2771-2780 of 4131 (Search time: 0.004 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019-02-15Comparison of structural, magnetic and electrical transport behavior in bulk and nanocrystalline Nd-lacunar Nd0.67Sr0.33MnO3 manganitesArun, B; Akshay, V R; Devi Chandrasekhar, K; Mutta, G R; Vasundhara, M
2018-04A scientometric examination of the water quality research in IndiaNishy, P; Renuka, S
2018-04Antimicrobial, electrochemical and photo catalytic activities of Zn doped Fe3O4 nanoparticlesAnjana, P M; Bindhu, M R; Umadevi, M; Rakhi, R B
2018-07Synthesis of 1,2,4-Trisubstituted-(1H)‑imidazoles through Cu(OTf)2‑/ I2‑Catalyzed C−C Bond Cleavage of Chalcones and BenzylaminesSalfeena, C T F; Renjitha, J; Davis, R; Suresh, E; Sasidhar, B S
2018-02-28pH-Controlled Nanoparticles Formation and Tracking of Lysosomal Zinc Ions in Cancer Cells by Fluorescent Carbazole–Bipyridine ConjugatesSudheesh, K V; Joseph, M M; Divya, S P; Samanta, A; Maiti, K K; Ajayaghosh, A
2018-08A Hybrid Organogel of a Low Band Gap Diketopyrrolopyrrole with PC71BM: Phase Separated Morphology and Enhanced PhotoconductivityGhosh, S; Saeki, A; Praveen, V K; Ajayaghosh, A
2018-04-30Hopping conduction and spin glass behavior of La2FeMnO6Palakkal, J P; Sankar, C R; Paulose, A P; Varma, M R
2018-08Culture Based Approaches, Dependent and Independent, for Microbial Community Fractions in Petroleum Oil ReservoirsVarjani, S; Srivastava, V K; Indu, S T; Sindhu, R; Gnansounou, E
2018-07-18Recent topics of radical-based carbon-carbon bond formationsAni, Deepthi; Vidya, Sathi; Vijay, Nair
2019-06-22Controlling the Supramolecular Polymerization of Donor- Acceptor π-Systems through Hydrogen Bond InterventionV S, Nair; B, Vedhanarayanan; A, Ajayaghosh