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Results 31-40 of 65 (Search time: 0.001 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022-01Recent Trends and Developments on Integrated Biochemical Conversion Process for Valorization of Dairy Waste to Value Added Bioproducts: A ReviewAwasthi, M K; Paul, A; Kumar, V; Sar, T; Kumar, D; Sarsaiya, S; Liu, H; Zhang, Z Q; Binod, P; Sindhu, R; Kumar, V; Taherzadeh, M J
2021Probiotics and Gut Microbiome − Prospects and Challenges in Remediating Heavy Metal ToxicityArun, K B; Madhavan, A; Sindhu, R; Emmanual, S; Binod, P; Pugazhendhi, A; Sirohi, R; Reshmy, R; Awasthi, M K; Gnansounou, E; Pandey, A
2021Isobutanol Production by Candida Glabrata – A Potential Organism for Future Fuel DemandsLakshmi, N M; Binoop, M; Salini, C N; Vivek, N; Sindhu, R; Pandey, A; Binod, P
2021Strategic Evaluation Of Limiting Factors Affecting Algal Growth – An Approach To Waste Mitigation And Carbon Dioxide SequestrationYadav, G; Mathimani, T; Sekar, M; Sindhu, R; Pugazhendhi, A
2022-02The Hazardous Threat of Bisphenol A: Toxicity, Detection and RemediationTarafdar, A; Sirohi, R; Balakumaran, P A; Reshmy, R; Madhavan, A; Sindhu, R; Binod, P; Kumar, Y; Kumar, D; Sim, S J
2021Strategies and Advances in the Pretreatment of Microalgal BiomassSirohi, R; Ummalyma, S B; Sagar, N A; Sharma, P; Awasthi, M K; Badgujar, P C; Madhavan, A; Rajasekharan, R; Sindhu, R; Sim, S J; Pandey, A
2021-11Valorization of Paper Industry Rejects by Combined Thermo-Chemical Pretreatment and Biological Conversion to L-LysineSuvachan, A; Lal, R; Nampoothiri, KM; Sindhu, R; Bhaskar, T; Binod, P; Pandey, A; Yasarla, R
2022-01Process Optimisation for Production and Recovery of Succinic Acid Using Xylose-Rich Hydrolysates by Actinobacillus Succinogenes.Jokodola, E O; Narisetty, V; Castro, E; Durgapal, S; Coulon, F; Sindhu, R; Binod, P; Banu, J R; Kumar, G; Kumar, V
2021Green Remediation of the Potential Hazardous Shellfish Wastes Generated from the Processing Industries and their BioprospectingMathew, G M; Sukumaran, R K; Sindhu, R; Binod, P; Pandey, A
2021Recent Advances in Biodiesel Production: Challenges and SolutionsMathew, G M; Raina, D; Narisetty, V; Kumar, V; Saran, S; Pugazhendi, A; Sindhu, R; Pandey, A; Binod, P