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Molecular torsion controls the excited state relaxation pathways of multibranched tetraphenylpyrazines: effect of substitution of morpholine vs. phenoxazine

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dc.contributor.author Pananilath, H F
dc.contributor.author Govind, C
dc.contributor.author Thadathilanickal, T D
dc.contributor.author Karunakaran, V
dc.date.accessioned 2023-11-28T10:24:08Z
dc.date.available 2023-11-28T10:24:08Z
dc.date.issued 2023-09-08
dc.identifier.citation Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics; 25(39):26575-26587 en_US
dc.identifier.uri https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2023/CP/D3CP03125J
dc.identifier.uri http://localhost:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/4606
dc.description.abstract Multibranched donor–acceptor derivatives exhibiting desirable photophysical properties are efficiently used in optoelectronic devices, in which the excited state relaxation dynamics of the derivatives control the efficiency of the devices. Here, the effect of intramolecular torsion on the excited state relaxation dynamics of tetraphenylpyrazine (TPP) derivatives in non-polar (toluene) and polar (THF) solvents is investigated by substituting the electron donor of morpholine (TPP-4MOP) and phenoxazine (TPP-4PHO) leading to the planar and twisted configurations, respectively, using femtosecond and nanosecond transient absorption spectroscopy. In the steady state, TPP-4MOP showed feeble emission (ΦF ∼0.03) due to the weak donor by the delocalization of electron density supported by theoretical optimization. The TPP-4PHO exhibited strong emission (ΦF ∼0.18) in toluene compared to that in THF, in which it showed a large Stokes shift (∼9691 cm−1) with low fluorescence quantum yield (ΦF ∼0.01). The observation of large Stokes shifts, inherent nature and theoretical calculations of TPP-4PHO suggest the twisting of the dihedral angle between tetraphenylpyrazine and phenoxazine in the excited state leading to the twisted intramolecular charge transfer state (TICT). The femtosecond and nanosecond transient absorption and picosecond time-resolved emission spectra of TPP-4PHO revealed the signature of the existence of both the partial TICT and TICT states in THF leading to the triplet state. Whereas in the case of TPP-4MOP, the transient absorption spectra showed the formation of the triplet state from the local excited state without the involvement of the TICT state. Aggregation studies of TPP-4PHO in a THF and water mixture reflect the elimination of the TICT state by the restriction of intramolecular torsion in the aggregates leading to an increase of 12-fold of the fluorescence intensity along with shifting of the maximum towards the blue region. These studies revealed that the excited state relaxation pathways of the derivatives are controlled by polarity-dependent torsional motion. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Royal Society of Chemistry en_US
dc.title Molecular torsion controls the excited state relaxation pathways of multibranched tetraphenylpyrazines: effect of substitution of morpholine vs. phenoxazine en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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    Research articles authored by NIIST researchers published in 2023

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