Objective: To evaluate the effects of ethyl acetate extract of Curcuma longa of glucose uptake and adipogenesis in cell line models. Methods: We used 3 Ta3gLa1i nasntd m Lo6d cuelalltsi otno iwnavse sdtoignaet ew cityhto ftlooxwicciytyto, mgleutcryo.s eR uepsutalktse: wTihthe 2r-esNuBltDs Gs haosw perdo bteh aatn tdh ea deixptorgaecnt edsiids . nAoltl pthoes saensasl yasniys significant glucose uptake activity but it exhibited significant adipocyte differentiation potential. Conclusions: Ethyl acetate extract of Curcuma longa exhibits significant antiadipogenesis and can be used as an effective drug for the treatment of obesity and other associated complications